How Computer Vision Empowers Technician Training

How Computer Vision Empowers Technician Training

One of the major predicaments faced by field service companies includes the loss of precious industrial knowledge that comes with the rapidly approaching retirement of industry veterans. A report from the Field Service News suggests that 73% of organizations feel that...
A Case for Automation in the Automotive Sector

A Case for Automation in the Automotive Sector

The many advancements in software are transforming the automotive industry, but while posing challenges of a different proportion to companies. With too many vehicle systems to handle, they need a platform that is capable of providing essential remote support to field...
Experience Hands-Free Operations with Smart Glasses

Experience Hands-Free Operations with Smart Glasses

​The future of official collaboration would be vastly different from what it is now, and industries are already getting ready to embrace the inevitable. Augmented Reality would play a key role in keeping workplaces connected, with Smart Glasses as a necessary...
Ways AR Can Make Enterprises Function Better

Ways AR Can Make Enterprises Function Better

The capability of AR technology, as we all know now, extends beyond gaming and entertainment. Today, the AR enterprise market caters to various industrial sectors across small, medium, and large enterprises. The technology’s capability to improve operational...
How to Supercharge Your Customer Service Agents

How to Supercharge Your Customer Service Agents

Not all sales processes need to be dedicated, nor should all job appointments be sales-related. Customer service agents and field technicians can do a very good job of it, as they are positioned to meet and maintain contact with customers on a frequent basis. They can...
Managing Effective Balance Between Customer Service KPIs

Managing Effective Balance Between Customer Service KPIs

Companies and service centres have always found it a challenge to manage a delicate balance between customer service KPIs. To state an example, too much focus on the Average Response Time (ART) affects the Net Promoter Score (NPS) and leads to customer churn. And too...